Thursday, March 11, 2010


MY favorite soccer team is Barcelona from SPAIN ...BARCELONA is a very famous team hat everyone love .THIS TEAM became obsessed 5 years ago i have many posters of all the players however my told that i am first girl how love the Barca that they ever see.i would like to go to the SPAIN so i can know every single player and taking pictures of all them also i would love to with MESSI in one of his game s . MESSI is the best player 2009- 2010 and i think that he is extremely player because he is young he gets the most award that everyone want to get......barca is most team that has many titles in the world such as REAL MADRID ....

1 comment:

  1. I have to take your word for it about how wonderful the team is. Like most people born in the U.S., I know absolutely nothing about professional soccer. It's weird how we're the only people in the world not interested in soccer.
